PISI 0.4 released

Michael Pilgermann kichkasch at gmx.de
Fri Aug 14 19:53:02 CEST 2009

I got around this problem with manual restart of SHR dates backend
process after every sync. A pre- / post-routine option was added - so in
your configuration file you can configure shell instructions now, which
will be executed by PISI before / after sync (working well for me).

Don't forget to modify your configuration file after upgrading to get it

## 1.3)
## Local ICS file (iCalendar) for "dates" software from pimlico (dates
in some distros)
description= Pimlico Dates
postprocess=killall e-calendar-factory

I noticed, that you can do quite some funny stuff using this option -
e.g. I can sync my Desktop Calendar (Sunbird / Lightning) now using SSH

## 1.5)
## Remote ICS file (on a SSH-Server (scp))
## - make sure, you don't need a password for this account (e.g. key
file without password)
## - I notied, you should create your key file on Openmoko - otherwise
will bring an error:
##      dropbearkey -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
## This example is an ICalendar on your desktop machine, which you have
configured in
## Sunbird / Lightning as 'file:///home/username/test.ics' (on the desktop)
description=ICalendar on SSH Server
preprocess=scp -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa \
username at /tmp/pisi-tmpcal.ics
postprocess=scp /tmp/pisi-tmpcal.ics \
username at && rm \ /tmp/pisi-tmpcal.ics

I have not yet uploaded a new version to opkg.org - find a priliminary
version (I used for testing) attached to this email; a new version will
follow end of this weekend ...


>>> What do you think about this: Fow short term solution, I could add a
>> flag in the configuration file, where the user can configure whether to
>> restart the backend process automatically after sync. That wouldn't be too much
>> efforts - and it would do the job (not nice, but it would do the job) ...
>> Sounds like an acceptable work around to me.
> I guess that will be in PISI before the next week starts ;)

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