[elementary] How to get evas object out of elementary.Window

Laszlo KREKACS laszlo.krekacs.list at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 17:00:33 CEST 2009


Elementary widgets are simple evas object as far as I understand the
whole concept;)

So there should be a way to get the corresponding evas object out of
elementary.Window object.

Could somebody post the result of these 5 commands?:

1. open a terminal on the phone, and type python to get into python shell

2. type the below commands into the python shell:
      >>> import elementary
      >>> elementary.init()
      >>> win = elementary.Window("", elementary.ELM_WIN_BASIC)
      >>> win_evas = win.evas_get()
      >>> type(win_evas)
      >>> type(win.evas)

And please paste the result here.
I highly suspect that my python-elementary bindings are outdated.
So somebody on newest SHR would be helpful here.

Best regards,

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