Different Navit builds

KaZeR kazer at altern.org
Tue Aug 25 16:58:57 CEST 2009

Christian Rüb wrote:
> using svn r2517 $HOME/.navit/navit.xml is used by navit again, there
> seemed to be a bug in opk package as navit.xml in /usr/share/navit was
> empty, too. Also speed seems to be the same for menus etc. One more
> advantage of using [2]: deactivating "map follows vehicle" in menu now
> actually works and makes map searching usable even if GPS is on :)

Well, as a general rule, i would say that using the most recent one
(especially with 200+ commits) is usually a good idea. There are indeed some
new bugs introduced from time to time, but usually commits are done to solve
bugs ;). And in the specific case of navit, usually when something breaks
it's fixed the day after (like this navit.xml path issue).
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