literki update

Neil Jerram neiljerram at
Sun Dec 27 16:59:45 CET 2009

2009/12/27 Michal Brzozowski <rusolis at>:
> 2009/12/27 Neil Jerram <neiljerram at>
>> But I have to say, it's really ugly!  How do you manage to make the
>> letters look so bad?  Is it because they are magnified from a font
>> that isn't designed for such a large size?
>> Also, given that you are using transparency, why not use more of the
>> screen, like kbosd does?
> Have a look at the config file. You can change the size of the keyboard, the
> font, and lots of other stuff. If it's still ugly you can buy an iphone :-)

Thanks for your quick answer.  I'll look at the config, as you suggest
- although I still think it's a valid question why the default font
looks so bad.  Buying an iphone is not an option!


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