Open IPKG packages from command line

Kasper Johansen k at
Tue Feb 17 10:10:14 CET 2009

Hi list.

Is it possible to extract a IPK-package (some_package.ipk)? I do not 
want to install anything - just inspect the package on my Ubuntu-machine.

I have been able to extract some packages by using "tar -zxvf" after 
renaming the extension to tar.gz - though I cant with all packages (and 
I dont know why).

Can anyone point in the direction on how to do so?

Med venlig hilsen
Kasper Johansen
Udviklingskonsulent og software engineer
KNJ IT-solutions - Engvej 3 - DK-4970 Rødby
Mail     : kaspernj at
Telefon  : +45 31593812
Telefon  : +45 26173812

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