[debian] navit: rendering is slow

Fox Mulder Quakeman1 at gmx.net
Fri Jan 2 12:43:35 CET 2009

KaZeR wrote:
> Fox Mulder a écrit :
>> arne anka wrote:
>>> i enabled the small screen gui ("internal" it is called, i think) and  
>>> tried out navigation.
>>> so far rendering is _very_ slow and the cpu usage applet always shows  
>>> about 80-100% usage -- thus eating power quite fast, i presume.
>>> it takes a long while (and someinteraktion) to make the current map to  
>>> appear, even after gps obtained a fix i had to swith to some dilog and  
>>> back to the map view to make it rerender.
>>> after the map was there and navigation hints appeared i made the  
>>> matchbox-keyboard appear which took up the upper part of the screen. after  
>>> disabling the keyboard the part of the navit window remained grey (though  
>>> the window's top bar was redrawn immediately by xfce), after several  
>>> minutes the small rectangles were redrawn -- but that was about all,  
>>> navigation information ("turn in ... meters") seemed not related to my  
>>> current position anymore and the map never was redrawn while the cpu usage  
>>> was still exceptionally high.
>>> after about 15min i killed navit.
>>> navit is 0.1.0+svn-1791, built without speech, map is the eu.bin linked to  
>>> in the navit wiki.
>> If you installed the precompiled navit version i would suggest to
>> compile it from source yourself. I don't know why, but the precompiled
>> version runs very bad on my fr with debian. After i compiled my own
>> version (1778) it runs much better. I also had trouble with very high
>> cpu usage but with my new compiled version i got quite low cpu usage
>> when navit is idle.
> The Debian precompiled package is meant for desktops, not the FR, thus
> it doesn't include fixes/tweaks for devices without fpu, for example.

I didn't use the debian package for pc. The pc package wouldn't run at
all because it is compiled for x86 and not arm.

I tried the version from [1] as tar.gz and extracted it. But this
version needs ~80% cpu all the time when running so it was unusable.
After i compiled a version myself it uses ~2% cpu when running and idle.


[1] http://download.navit-project.org/navit/openmoko/svn/

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