Hardware buzz - can OpenMoko help?

Timo Juhani Lindfors timo.lindfors at iki.fi
Tue Jan 6 15:37:33 CET 2009

"Christ van Willegen" <cvwillegen at gmail.com> writes:
> The last few days, people have constantly complained about a loud,
> high-pitched noise when I call them. I presume it's the 'ahrdware
> buzz' we're talking about here.

The buzz seems to be proportional to the transmit power which itself
seems to be proportional to the reception quality I can monitor with

mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.frameworkd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.Debug.DebugCommand "AT+CSQ\r\n"|tr "'" '\n'|grep ^\+CSQ:|cut -d, -f1|cut -d' ' -f2

According to specs these units are

# 0    -113 dBm or less
# 1    -111 dBm
# 2...30   -109... -53 dBm
# 31   -51 dBm or greater
# 99   not known or not detectable

and when it is around 26 or more the recipient does not hear the buzz
here anymore. Thus, to mitigate the effect I can monitor the reception
quality during call and align myself so that the quality is as high as
possible (just going near a window helps a lot).

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