Newbee need direction

Neil Jerram neiljerram at
Wed Jan 7 12:21:05 CET 2009

2009/1/7 Robin Häggqvist <robin.haggqvist at>:
> Hello
> Im a newbee. And would love some help to get in the right direction. I have
> looked in to pascal(not very useful but good fun) and java(really basic)
> when I was in school but that was a few years ago. Im most intrested in
> developing small useful application for the freerunner

I suggest starting by describing your proposed application here.  I'm
sure people will make comments and suggestions that will allow you to
develop the specification and design.

> What lanugare should I start with?

Probably C or Python - but you don't necessarily need to worry about
that yet anyway.


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