so i try manually starting the x server with:

Harry L. Lee harry at
Fri Jan 9 15:44:16 CET 2009

sorry. i have no flippin idea what i'm using. it was new out of the box 2
days ago. i've done an opkg update and an opkg upgrade. i have not
consciously upgrade from what it came with. i think i'm still using 2007.2
it is still spinning through bootish looking text where every third line
says adcrdy. if you google adcrdy, you find there are more than a couple
people out there suffering the same pain. when i press power, you get a
slight change, there is a line that says onkeyf or onkeyr and it looks a
little different if you hold it. i can get to openmoko via ssh, but if i do
anything that fires up x (the pretty opening means x, correct?) my
resolv.conf gets hosed. it fires up x briefly when you reboot from the
shell, then you get the "good bootish text", then the pretty screen for a
minute then i get the "bad" bootish text, which starts with angstrom spelled
out in big letters made out of letters, and then  the adcrdy infinite loop.
 it took about 6 hours to learn that, sorry i was hoping that as it was
happening someone wouldsay "well of course, you did xyz! abc will fix it!"
someone named newkirk was very helpful in solving the opkg .conf problems.
his fix, by rights, should be integrated into getting started. and thank you

I have noot been able to get to uboot for a couple reasons: first and
formost, it ignores the power button. secondly i have only one working hand
which makes pressing two buttons in aco-ordinated manner problematic.
ideally it seems there could be a program you could invoke at shell that
would reboot you into the uboot environment.
I'm sorry if i'm disturbing y'all, but this, apparently is support for this
product. i purchased this product in no small part for health reasons, so it
is important to me it work reliably expect me to keep making noise until i
get it working, at which point i will act as a resource for the next guy.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 7:47 AM, arne anka <openmoko at> wrote:

> harry,
> is there any chance you could provide us with clear and full informations?
> currently it's very hard to understand, what's going on on your side and
> what exactly your problems are.
> please, give the following informations and remember, for further posting
> prepend the subject with the name of the distribution you are using (ie
> fso, debian, 2007.2, 2008.9, qtopia, ...)
> - did you flash anything yet?
> - if so, what exactly (uboot, image)?
> - what distribution are you using? so far, i know nodm from debian only,
> but that might be wrong ...
> - are you running from flash or from sd card?
> - full error messages, not only guesses
> - kernel version, u-boot version
> and, please, refrain from belittling statements -- they are not likely to
> improve the willingness to help you.
> and lastly: this is not "support", but "community" -- and even support is
> mostly a "users help users" thing ...
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harry at
Harry L Lee (via gmail)
chief cook and bottle washer
mailto:harry at
207-384-8030 (email preferred)
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