Handwriting (was Re: Dual touch display)

flamma at correo.ugr.es flamma at correo.ugr.es
Thu Jan 15 15:16:05 CET 2009

> Now that you bring it up, I'm wondering why we don't have such an input
> method
> yet. It would not need more space than the illume kb we have but would be
> (at
> least for human languages I think) much more intuitive than a finger kb
> with
> usable, but fairly small buttons.
> Is handwriting recognition (fairly simple shapes, one could stick to block
> letters) hard to do?

Qt Extended has it, works pretty well, and it is open source. Also, I
think I have seem some handwriting input methods in opkg.org and in the
wiki, but I haven't tried them.

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