Yaouh! out (update for tangogps maps)
Helge Hafting
helge.hafting at hist.no
Tue Jan 20 11:00:22 CET 2009
William Kenworthy wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 14:54 +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
>> Carlo Minucci wrote:
>>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Yaouh!
>>> i a simple interface for update the maps of tangogps
>>> it's optimized for low band usage
>> A very good idea, but it does not work yet.
>> My maps are in /media/card/kart/,
>> but yaouh thinks they are in /home/root/Maps.
>> so it doesn't check my 50000 tiles.
>> I have tangogps set up that way, because there is
>> more room on the 8GB card, and it isn't blanked when I flash
>> a new SHR image.
>> I do not know where tangogps keeps this information though.
>> Helge Hafting
> After trying a few different things, now one of my first moves is to
> delete /home/root/Maps and replace it with a symlink to the SD card Maps
> directory.
Thanks for the tip - the workaround worked.
> Where I live (Perth, Western Australia) there are large areas of
> surrounding sea/land/forestry/desert etc that use a single colour tile -
> each of only 103 bytes. I symlinked all identical files (based on
> md5sum) such that only one copy of each is kept. This has the advantage
> that as ext2/3 uses fast-symlinks, the actual symlink (provided the path
> is < 60 characters) is stored in the inode and doesnt take any block
> space on the FS. This shrinks the size as given by du -sh from 3.3Gb
> down to ~550Mb.
Interesting idea. Half of my tiles are blank too.
But what happens when tangogps (or yaouh or whatever)
re-downloads some previously blank tile that now has a new road on it?
Will the link break for that tile? Or will the sole blank tile be
replaced, so that every blank area now has the same road on it?
I don't keep a tile repositiory on my desktop, I download
directly to the freerunner.
Helge Hafting
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