Yaouh! out (update for tangogps maps)

Helge Hafting helge.hafting at hist.no
Tue Jan 20 11:00:45 CET 2009

Carlo Minucci wrote:
> Helge Hafting ha scritto:
>> Carlo Minucci wrote:
>>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Yaouh!
>>> i a simple interface for update the maps of tangogps
>>> it's optimized for low band usage
>> A very good idea, but it does not work yet.
>> My maps are in /media/card/kart/,
>> but yaouh thinks they are in /home/root/Maps.
>> so it doesn't check my 50000 tiles.
> i found the bug :)
> go to line 83 of the yaouh.py and add a new line, after dir = out[2], with
> j = n
> and test it
> now it should work

I removed the Maps/OSM symlink, and did this change. It seems to work! :-)

I noticed another problem yesterday though. I worked around the
problem by making a symlink, and the program ran. I have
slightly more than 50.000 tiles. After a while, Yaouh had worked through
12000, updating about 4000. It seems 1 in 3 tiles were changed.

This took a lot of time, so I left it running overnight. It crashed
sometimes during the night, and the disk was not full.
The log file merely told that yaouh.py was
interrupted by a segmentation fault.

Could there be a memory leak? Or will yaouh use memory proportional to 
the number of tiles (or perhaps the number of out-of-date tiles)?

With 128M and 50000 tiles, there is no more than 2684 bytes per tile. So 
linear memory consumption will not work well.

Helge Hafting

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