[Om2008.12] Mediaserver / Qpe

boilersoup at gmail.com boilersoup at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 11:29:29 CET 2009

Dear List,

the processes mediaplayer and qpe are draining all the cpu power
even if I shutdown / reboot.

This is the hierarchy of the processes:

  546 ?        Sl     0:41  \_ qpe
  608 ?        RN     0:02      \_ /opt/Qtopia/bin/quicklauncher
  864 ?        R      0:00      \_ /opt/Qtopia/bin/mediaserver -noshow

this is an excerpt of 'top':

  880 root      20   0 25932 7876 7044 R 72.6  6.2   0:01.55 mediaserver
  881 root      20   0  2248 1024  816 R  7.9  0.8   0:00.14 top
  281 root      30  10     0    0    0 S  6.3  0.0   0:10.99 jffs2_gcd_mtd6
  497 root      19  -1 14844 7848 1644 S  6.3  6.2   0:15.83 Xglamo
  608 root      39  19 25224 4516 3956 R  1.6  3.6   0:03.17 quicklauncher
    1 root      20   0  1524  560  500 S  0.0  0.4   0:04.80 init

kill, kill -9, killall, killall -9:
they all does nothing.

The phone receives calls and sms
it vibrates
but id does not ring.

Can you help me ?


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