Yaouh! out (update for tangogps maps)

Sean McNeil sean at mcneil.com
Fri Jan 23 10:43:14 CET 2009

arne anka wrote:
>>> ext2/3 is not really suited to storing such a large number of small
>>> files.
> afaik ext3 can be configured to use small files.
>>   (I don't understand why ext2/3 is used at all these days, as it has  
>> been obsolete for years.
> that's nonsense.
>> Except for one bug 8 years ago[1], ReiserFS has worked flawlessly for me  
>> on my desktop systems.)
> i use ext2/3 for over ten years now and never had any problems.
> if you like reiser better, it's ok, but please don't tell such nonsense  
> only to justify your likings.
> it's purely a matter of personal preferences, nothing more -- and least of  
> all "extX is bad, reiser is good".

There is also a lot of community support for ext[234] with noticeable 
active development. I'm not so certain what the condition of ReiserFS is 
these days, but I don't think there have been any enhancements or 
improvements to match ext4.

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