SHR Unstable

Tomas Riveros Schober triveros at
Sun Jan 25 16:24:31 CET 2009

wp escribió:
> I'm using shr-unstable aswell, but from 13th january. Newer versions
> have not working gsm, and have that very annoying issue "program
> crashed and left no error log" when accesing contacts or messages. I'm
> flashing every new images to see if it is solved, because this the
> best distribution I used so far. Good work!
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I've been using shr unstable from jan 23rd and I can confirm the 
crashing. It did, however worked great until I tried to start 
numptyphysics (meaning I could send and receive calls without any 
issues, and they were echo-free). After starting numpty, the neo crashed 
badly i.e. screen not responding and filled with different colors 
vertical lines, so i had to remove the battery and start the phone 
again. After that the dialer app has never worked (crashes all the 
time), and neither does contacts or anything that accesses the SIM


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