which file system for sd card?

Steve 'dillo Okay armadilo at gothpunk.com
Sun Jan 25 21:05:12 CET 2009

> From: Sean McNeil <sean at mcneil.com>
> Date: January 24, 2009 6:32:28 PM PST
> To: List for Openmoko community discussion  
> <community at lists.openmoko.org>
> Subject: Re: which file system for sd card?
> Reply-To: List for Openmoko community discussion  
> <community at lists.openmoko.org>
> thewire wrote:
>> The Digital Pioneer пишет:
>>> The only reason they come with FAT is so windoze can use it. That  
>>> said,
>>> I don't know much about filesystems, but I would generally go with
>>> EXT2/3 over FAT.
>> I'm no fs expert either, but i would generally advise to use jffs2 or
>> ubifs, as they are specially designed for use in flash memory  
>> devices.
>> Note that ubifs requires kernel >= 2.6.27.
> Neither of those filesystems are appropriate for sd cards. They  
> have wear leveling logic that is not necessary or a good thing as  
> it is already done in firmware for sd. An efficient journaled  
> filesystem not designed for memory devices (like ext3) would be best.

Actually,  if you're not going to use VFAT, I'd use ext2.
  It's going to be about 20% or so faster because it won't be doing  
the journaling that ext3 does and the journaling could shorten the  
lifetime of the SD card.


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