which file system for sd card?

Steve 'dillo Okay armadilo at gothpunk.com
Sun Jan 25 21:05:26 CET 2009

> From: thewire <lists at w23.ru>
> Date: January 24, 2009 3:32:54 PM PST
> To: List for Openmoko community discussion  
> <community at lists.openmoko.org>
> Subject: Re: which file system for sd card?
> Reply-To: List for Openmoko community discussion  
> <community at lists.openmoko.org>
> The Digital Pioneer пишет:
>> The only reason they come with FAT is so windoze can use it. That  
>> said,
>> I don't know much about filesystems, but I would generally go with
>> EXT2/3 over FAT.
> I'm no fs expert either, but i would generally advise to use jffs2 or
> ubifs, as they are specially designed for use in flash memory devices.
> Note that ubifs requires kernel >= 2.6.27.

I would actually advise against this because, as others have pointed  
out, SD has internal wear-leveling built-in that other flash media  
Running a software wear-leveling algorithm against a device that has  
it's own built-in one is not good for performance or for the
actual wear-leveling. It's like trying to do software RAID overtop  
existing HW RAID. It wastes cycles, likely produces pathological  
cases in both
the software and hardware algorithms and might actually be worse for  
the media itself in the end.
I'd go with either VFAT or ext2.


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