Alsa state chooser

TL Mieszkowski mieszkowski at
Thu Jan 29 02:38:38 CET 2009

Al Johnson wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 January 2009, TL Mieszkowski wrote:
>> KaZeR wrote:
>> > First example on top of my head : you are listening to music via your
>> > headset, and you unplug it : if in a public place, it might be
>> convenient
>> > to
>> > pause media player to avoid bothering your neighboors. My other phone
>> > behaves like that and i find it convenient and respectful for the other
>> > people.
>> I'm nobody, but that is so contrived it comes no where near convincing me
>> that such a non-UNIXy system is the right way.
> Contrived? It's an example of good behaviour by an existing phone, so it's
> a 
> real world example.

Ok, I can see someone wanting this behavior, however I still see it as very
contrived. Not only contrived, it makes little  sense.  First, something
already exists for this called a mute button, or pause button.
If you don't want other people to hear what's going on... why did you unplug
your headphone? If I unplug
my headphone while listening to music, it means I want to listen to it on
the speaker.  Otherwise... why did you unplug it? 

> Several people have asked about unusual audio routing configurations for 
> specific applications. If another app changes the mixer settings then
> these 
> apps will not work correctly, so it would be beneficial for them to handle 
> this gracefully. To do this they need notification of the change in mixer 
> setting. 
Sounds like those apps should have their own state file, and restore it when
gaining focus. Of course
I don't know which apps you're talking about, so I'm probably not seeing the
reasons to want that.

> Changing the entire mixer scenario strikes me as being too coarse a
> control, 
> but I haven't heard of any better proposals for abstraction. 
If you want finer control amixer or libasound are the simple ways to do it. 
Or the alternative, reinvent UNIX poorly
with unnecessarily complex abstractions.
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