[SHR] Miscellanious minor issues

Joel Newkirk freerunner at newkirk.us
Thu Jan 29 04:26:56 CET 2009

On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 01:05:45 +0100, Pander <pander at users.sourceforge.net>
> Hi all,
> I've been an FDOM-adept and am new to SHR. I am using it now and this
> distributions holds a lot of potential. I completely understand that
> this is an unstable distribution and it has an issue tracker (which I
> use).
> Nevertheless, I hope you can answer the following some questions on some
> issues, or at least I hope they can be input as a simple test report.
> Excuse me if they contain trivial things or too well know issues:
> 1) One of the opkg repositories is non existing, so I disabled it for
> now, see:
> root at om-gta02 /etc/opkg $ cat armv4-feed.conf
> #src/gz shr-armv4 http://shr.bearstech.com/shr-unstable/ipk//armv4
> Will this repo come on line or is it depreicated and should the
> definition be removed from opkg configuration all together?
> 2) The repos have a lot of double slashes (//), see:
> root at om-gta02 /etc/opkg $ grep \/\/ *
> all-feed.conf:src/gz shr-all
> http://shr.bearstech.com/shr-unstable/ipk//all
> armv4-feed.conf:#src/gz shr-armv4
> http://shr.bearstech.com/shr-unstable/ipk//armv4
> armv4t-feed.conf:src/gz shr-armv4t
> http://shr.bearstech.com/shr-unstable/ipk//armv4t
> om-gta02-feed.conf:src/gz shr-om-gta02
> http://shr.bearstech.com/shr-unstable/ipk//om-gta02
> Should these remain like this or is this a no-brainer?
> 3) Today (29 Jan 2009) I did an opkg update and opkg upgrade and Mofi
> Wifi hangs when I run it, even before the menu comes up. Is this known?
> What could be a fix? Will wicd be ported to SHR?
> 4) Sometimes the scroll bar on the left is gold (see contacts) and
> sometimes it is black (see settings).
> 5) Can the vote plugin be installed inside of SHR Trac?
> 6) How do I have a virtual Illume keyboard popup for the terminal,
> midori, pidgin?
> 7) Will the GPS get an icon which indicates if it is powered on, off,
> and perhaps even the number of satellites it is receiving correctly.
> 8) Anyone have a howto, script or some code to the GRPS working?
> Thanks and keep up the good work,
> Pander

1 & 2 - if it works leave it be...  :)   Seriously, though: the
double-slashes aren't an issue, and I presume the armv4 feed is the result
of a typo since other feeds (OM as well as Angstrom) do not have such a
version, but I could easily be wrong. :)

3 - What SHR version are you using?  Testing, Unstable or Unstable-lite?  I
didn't think mofi was included in the Unstables, and haven't seen it in
several weeks so am not able to comment on any problems with it.  But I CAN
assure you that the difference between Testing (Christmastime release) and
Unstable (couple days ago) is tremendous.  At this time, given that we all
understand it's still in development, I have to recommend Unstable over
Testing.  (that will change of course when the next semi-stable 'testing'
release is made - but for now, the number and degree of improvements and
fixes that are still not committed to Testing makes it less functional than
Unstable IMHO)

4 - This is all to do with the Enlightenment Illume and Elementary themes. 
There are IIRC two default themes bundled with SHR right now, and they're
still incomplete, though progressing.  The gold scrollbar is one of the
'legacy' theme portions that still 'shows through' from the default E17
theme, while the black ones are the new SHR theme.  (for those interested,
an Illume theme's .edj file can choose to NOT override any given defaults
by simply not defining anything - IE if you leave scrollbars unlisted then
the default is used - personally I'd like to see a new Default crafted
that's more small-screen-oriented, but as long as a theme is "complete" it
works as well)

6 - Sounds like you are using Testing, the keyboard tends to popup pretty
reliably when needed for me for the last several weeks I've been running
Unstable.  The presence of the qwerty keyboard button in the top shelf is
theme-dependant.  (as is the spanner/wrench config button)  Again this
sounds like Testing, since IIRC both themes in Unstable have both icons.

8 - I use "gprson" and "gprsoff", one-liner scripts with the following
contents, which can be invoked directly but less conveniently:

mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogpsd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
org.freesmartphone.GSM.PDP.ActivateContext internet3.voicestream.com x x

mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogpsd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device

The last three items when activating GPRS are APN, User, & Pass.  In my
case I'm on T-Mobile's Internet3 (InternetVPN) service in the US, and they
don't care about user and pass so just 'x' and 'x' should be suitable for
any T-Mo:US users.  Many carriers' APNs and some additional details are
listed at http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GPRS#Some_APN_names_for_reference -
if yours isn't listed, get the APN from the carrier, then update the wiki
to add it. :)

Happily, frameworkd takes care of everything else, so if you have GPRS
service and it's accessible, and you have the correct ASU (and user+pass if
needed) the ActivateContext command is all you need.  Unhappily, frameworkd
does not yet facilitate easily altering other factors, such as connection
persistence, demand-dial, etc.  (you can edit the python file that contains
the ppp dialer script, but on update it will be overwritten)  Eventually I
hope that the actual dialer script settings will be external, or offer some
simple (dbus-based, I'd expect) means of changing things like
route/DNS/persist. I use on-FR DNS caching so I don't want it overwriting
resolv.conf, and since I get unlimited data on my plan I'd prefer it to
demand-dial whenever a network connection is needed but wifi and usb aren't
available, or simply maintain a persistence GPRS connection with
lower-priority route metric than USB and Wifi.


PS - yes I realize I missed 5 & 7 - not being part of the SHR team I'm not
qualified to address them

Joel Newkirk
http://jthinks.com      (blog)
http://newkirk.us/om (FR stuff)

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