[SHR] Miscellanious minor issues

Margo Koppelmann margo.koppelmann at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 10:09:55 CET 2009

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Joel Newkirk <freerunner at newkirk.us> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 22:26:56 -0500, Joel Newkirk <freerunner at newkirk.us>
> wrote:
>> 8 - I use "gprson" and "gprsoff", one-liner scripts with the following
>> contents, which can be invoked directly but less conveniently:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #gprson
>> mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogpsd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
>> org.freesmartphone.GSM.PDP.ActivateContext internet3.voicestream.com x x
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #gprsoff
>> mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogpsd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
>> org.freesmartphone.GSM.PDP.DeactivateContext
> D'oh!! That's "org.freesmartphone.ogsmd", not "ogpsd"...
> j
> --
> Joel Newkirk
> http://jthinks.com      (blog)
> http://newkirk.us/om (FR stuff)

I decided to try SHR also. I like it. There's no echo! But there are
still some small problems, that are already mentioned in the other SHR
thread. And a few problems that aren't mentioned:
1. If I activate the silent profile, the phone still rings.
2. After using the phone few hours and making some calls the phone
doesn't ring anymore, it only vibrates. After rebooting it rings
3. At some point, the phonelog application just stopped working. It
doesn't start. I didn't do anything and I didn't change anything, I
just made a few phonecalls. When starting it, it gives me an error
saying, that there's no error message. When starting it from command
line, it says:
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
I thought rebooting wil fix this, but it didn't.

I tried to use gprs using Joel's instructions, but it gives me the error:
ActivateContext failed: org.freesmartphone.GSM.MUX.NoChannel

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