[SHR] Scrolling (was Re: [SHR] Miscellanious minor issues)

Joel Newkirk freerunner at newkirk.us
Thu Jan 29 23:33:21 CET 2009

On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 17:20:40 -0500, Joel Newkirk <freerunner at newkirk.us>

> single
> icon image and toggling (visible when touched) just a single-image frame
> behind it, and removing associated fade-in/fade-out animations makes a
> significant difference.  Pop open the Illume Config (via spanner/wrench)
> and try finger-scrolling the top icon bar right to left - it's a
> tremendous
> difference when everything's structurally and graphically simplified.
> j

Sorry, when I referred to 'single icon image' that was as opposed to
multiframe animated icons. (I realized after sending that this might sound
stupid, since the default icons are all static images)  I've not seen them
in any distro or package yet for the FR, but Enlightenment supports them. 
I've used an animated blinking shell prompt before as my terminal icon. 
http://www0.get-e.org/Resources/Animated_Icons/ - just stick them (they're
.edj files) in /usr/share/enlightenment/data/icons and put the name in for
icon in the .desktop file... (with the understanding that loading down your
Freerunner with a bunch of animated icons is guaranteed to slow down your


Joel Newkirk
http://jthinks.com      (blog)
http://newkirk.us/om (FR stuff)

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