Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann
mok at mnet-online.de
Sat Jul 4 19:44:31 CEST 2009
Am Samstag 04 Juli 2009 12:59:10 schrieb Robin Paulson:
> 2009/7/4 ivvmm <unachievable at gmail.com>:
> > ran into ridiculous problem while trying to use Elmdentica. It needs
> > libelementary.so.0 which lacks from my system. Where to get it?
> >
> > Running
> > $ find /usr -name "libelementary.so*"
> > gives nothing.
> it'll be there, but called something else. the shr team change the
> name every so often, by adding a string of letters to the name of all
> the e libraries. it's probably something like:
no, NOT so. It is NOT the SHR team and you know that. It is enlightenment
upstream that changes libnames with every freeze they do right now. That will
change when they release something stable.
And yes, we could work around that. Though we do not have the proper manpower
to do that :(
> libelementary-pre-ver-svn-01.so.0
> or similar. unless they've got a new naming pattern this week
> just create symlinks from the names that are expected, to each of the
> long names, and you'll be fine
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Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann
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