your mail
mobi phil
mobi at
Mon Jul 6 00:28:10 CEST 2009
Having already the tags marked "[this tag]" you can search for all the
tagse, you can then order them, and easily search inside them, even if there
are 2000, once you have identified the tag, you can search for topics linked
with them...
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Marcel <tanuva at> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009 22:45:54 schrieb mobi phil:
> > A forum is probably better place than email lists if the email lists
> > tend to cover huge amount of information. Having a forum, you can keep
> > o bit more order in the knowledge base that is accumulating in the
> > email list. Tags/labels would be probably even more powerful than the
> > simple categories in a forum. They would make easier to search in the
> > huge amount of discussions/shared information on the email list. By
> > encouraging everybody to use in the Subject field, or inside the
> > conversation tags/labels, it would be much easier to find information,
> > even with search engines.
> >
> > I would suggest to extend the [topic] labels to sthg. like
> >
> > Subject: [kernel][usb][external gps] etc.
> >
> > or separated by ","
> >
> > Subject [kernel, usb, external gps]
> For such, we would need a list of predefined tags. If everyone chooses
> his/her (do we actually have women [I know about Brenda :)] here?) own
> tags and occasionally has a typo in them, we will get perfect chaos.
> Now try to force people to look up a list of tags for possibly fitting
> ones.
> I think this whole tagging approach is nice from a technical/programmer's
> point of view, but as a user, I do not even want to think about having to
> tag each and every of my >2000 digital photos, not even talking about
> other files. [I'm sliding off topic, don't I? :)]
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