A7 reports
David Reyes Samblas Martinez
david at tuxbrain.com
Wed Jul 8 12:41:06 CEST 2009
Here too :)
2009/7/8 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller <hns at computer.org>:
>>> Also whats the best way to get a phone in the UK. truebox don't
>>> seems to
>>> have any stock yet. has anyone order a freerunner elsewhere and had
>>> it
>>> shipped to the UK?
> Here you can order A7 units (ships to UK, FRA, SPA, ITL, POL, DAN,
> NDL, LUX, etc.):
> http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Neo%20Freerunner
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David Reyes Samblas Martinez
Open ultraportable & embedded solutions
Openmoko, Openpandora, Arduino
Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!
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