Re: The University of São Paulo's intent to join Openmoko development
Michal Brzozowski
rusolis at
Mon Jul 13 14:06:29 CEST 2009
I smell GTA03 coming :-)
2009/7/13 Giovanni <pino.otto at>
> WOW!
> Very good!
> If governments and universities are involved, we can have more power for
> developing something good.
> Best regards,
> Giovanni
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Yorick Moko <yorickmoko at> wrote:
>> this seems to be really good news,
>> good work!
>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall <maddog at> wrote:
>>> Dear Openmoko Community,
>>> In light of the refocusing of Sean's company on consumer items, there
>>> has been a perceived vacuum created in the Openmoko community's efforts
>>> to create next-generation open cellular smart phones.
>>> I happened to be working with Dr. Marcelo Zuffo, a full professor and
>>> the head of the Laboratory for Integrated Systems at the University of
>>> São Paulo, Brazil, on an unrelated project. I asked Dr. Zuffo if the
>>> university would be willing to join the Openmoko community and to
>>> provide critical resources to the task at hand.
>>> I subsequently have met with Dr. Zuffo several times on this matter,
>>> have seen his facilities (which include a very modern and
>>> state-of-the-art SMT line) and have discussed the goals of the community
>>> to design and prototype a completely open design for a cellular phone.
>>> Dr. Zuffo and the university understand your issues, understand free and
>>> open source software and hardware and are willing to assist the
>>> community with this project.
>>> I might add that the university can bring several new capabilities to
>>> the community:
>>> First of all, Dr. Zuffo has discussed the Openmoko project with the
>>> Minister of Telecommunications of Brazil, and the Minister is very
>>> enthusiastic about the concept. Having the support of the government of
>>> the twelfth largest economy behind the project might really help us with
>>> various negotiations with vendors.
>>> Secondly the University has been working on several aspects of
>>> telecommunications for a long time, and therefore has expertise in
>>> telephonic security and codecs (among other things) that could be of use
>>> to the Openmoko community.
>>> Third, the university has the ability and expertise to design new
>>> integrated circuits. Recently they designed a a range of analog-digital
>>> chips. Therefore the possibility of developing, manufacturing and
>>> freely licensing new chips to help reduce the cost of the phone is
>>> possible.
>>> Forth, while the facilities I mentioned are capable of producing up to
>>> 10,000 units at the rate of one circuit board every 30 seconds, the
>>> purpose of the facilities is research, developing and support projects
>>> that can lead innovation, the lab's charter does not allow them to
>>> manufacture more units then the 10,000 because that would be "commercial
>>> production". Therefore the university has a goal of freely licensing
>>> the design to companies for manufacture.
>>> Fifth, the university would be happy to host the mailing lists and
>>> forums of the Openmoko project. If some of the software projects need
>>> hosting and can not find hosting services other places, the university
>>> will consider acting as a primary hosting facility for these projects.
>>> Sixth, personally I would like to see this concept extended, of inviting
>>> more universities and their facilities to help with this project
>>> world-wide. I hope that the leadership of the University of Sao Paulo
>>> will help create the structure and inspiration for this to happen.
>>> Finally, the university has a non-profit legal entity, LSITEC, which can
>>> easily do the type of paperwork that Sean's company did (NDAs,
>>> certification) so the community can leverage off that.
>>> I know that there will be a lot of questions and considerations to take
>>> before the community is comfortable with this relationship. Dr. Zuffo
>>> has asked that I help coordinate the joining together of the university
>>> with the community, and in the interest of seeing Openmoko continue to
>>> do the fine work started by Sean and all of you, I will be glad to help
>>> in this capacity. I am monitoring the community mailing list, and
>>> people are also welcome to email me directly (maddog at with
>>> questions that you do not (for any reason) wish to post to the list.
>>> A copy of Dr. Zuffo's letter of intent is below. I have the original
>>> PDF if anyone would like to see it, but it was too big to make it
>>> through the community's standards on mailing lists unmoderated, and I
>>> thought you might like to see this as soon as possible.
>>> Warmest regards,
>>> Jon "maddog" Hall
>>> President, Linux International
>>> CTO of Koolu, Inc.
>>> ==========================================================================================================
>>> São Paulo, 8th July 2009,
>>> Mr. Jon Maddog Hall
>>> The Executive Director Linux International.
>>> Dear Mr. Hall, according our conversation LSI-USP the Laboratory for
>>> Integrated Systems at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, is interested
>>> in hosting the OpenMoko Community to design innovative cell phone
>>> designs.
>>> We would like to offer the community the following facilities:
>>> ‐ State-of-art facilities for SMT (Surface Mounting Technology)
>>> prototyping of complex electronics boards;
>>> ‐ State-of-art facilities and expertise for design HW and SW in
>>> telephony and communications;
>>> ‐ Expertise in testing and certification;
>>> ‐ A new building located at a Center position at USP São Paulo, to host
>>> community meetings, as well as computational infrastructure for email ,
>>> WEB servers and project databases.
>>> -LSI has a long term expertise in designing complex electronics systems,
>>> including integrated circuits, and we would like to involve also our IC
>>> design team that could eventually design some components of the OpenMoko
>>> models.
>>> All legal procedures will be conducted by LSITEC, our non-profit
>>> organization to help technology developing.
>>> Finally I would like to be completely available for any further
>>> questions and discussion.
>>> My regards,
>>> Marcelo Knörich Zuffo
>>> Full Professor
>>> Laboratory for Integrated Systems
>>> University of São Paulo – Brazil
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