[all] call for configurations
William Kenworthy
billk at iinet.net.au
Wed Jul 15 12:24:56 CEST 2009
hmm, I am using the same kernel/shr-u combination, but with fso-abyss :)
cant get gsm with 2.6.29 :(
wifi works well for, even stopping wpa at home and reassociating to a
wep AP at work. The script below is called using fsoraw to turn on/off
the wifi power control first.
killall -9 wpa_supplicant udhcpc
sleep 1
rm /var/run/wpa_supplicant/eth0
echo "wifi starting!"
/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -t -i eth0 -Dwext
-c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
sleep 5
ifup eth0
route del default gw
ifdown eth0
killall -9 wpa_supplicant udhcpc
echo "WiFi off"
On Wed, 2009-07-15 at 12:00 +0200, Davide Scaini wrote:
> Ok guys!
> we're talking everyday of a different issue that makes our fr not
> really usable... but i'm sure that there is someone who as a fr
> decently working and he/she can share with us his tips.
> My idea is to open a thread where everyone posts his configuration
> with working/not working sections. Maybe, finally, we can find a
> balance merging all the diffs that works...
> My2cents:
> system: SHR-U shr-image-glibc-ipk--20090709
> kernel: 2.6.28-oe1
> +gitr34240a1c06ae36180dee695aa25bbae869b2aa26-r3-om-gta02.bin
> (it'a a TRUE .28-rc4)
> (with modules, i haven't figured out how to extract the tar on my fr,
> i extract it on the sd then cp on /lib/ )
> boot: qi
> Performances:
> wifi: I got wifi working for a long with that kernel, but now i cannot
> get connected via wifi 'cause this error:
> run-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/
> wpasupplicant exited with code 1
> i have no idea how to handle it.
> (on debian i had always a working wifi with no troubles... i should
> search for the script i used...)
> gprs: never tried
> gps: works like a charm
> calls: i have the very same of all with call volume, but i'll fix it
> copying alsa states from shr-testing.
> usb: get the connection reliably
> software: minimo, tangogps, yaouh, orrery, mofi, leafpad (terminal)
> are the most used.
> shr-settings is _very_ useful, that' why i abandoned debian (even if
> debian has tons of software...)
> what i miss: a realiable wifi :( a finger friendly file manager.
> (ps: I cannot download anymore bigG maps iwth the "repos" linked on
> wiki... do you know why?)
> As you can see my system is not really that working, what i really
> miss is the wifi... i mainly use it as a pda.
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William Kenworthy <billk at iinet.net.au>
Home in Perth!
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