New Open Hardware company
Warren Baird
wjbaird at
Mon Jul 20 22:07:36 CEST 2009
Hi Steve,
Congratulations! Sounds like a very interesting project.
The geek in me is say - "W00t - when can I get one!"
Unfortunately, the product manager in me is sounding a bit more like
Laszlo: raising questions like: What's the business model - are you
targeting end-users, or are you trying to convince someone to OEM the
design, customize it and market it to end-users?
Personally I kinda hope you are targeting OEMs, although I don't see much of
a mention of that on the website so far. If you are targeting end-users,
it seems to me that you are falling into the same trap that OpenMoko did -
building some cool hardware, and assuming that the software side will
eventually happen.
If however you have one or more visionary OEMs who will take your tech and
build a compelling solution around it, that could be very interesting. I
really believe that a device like this needs to have a seamless, well
integrated hardware and software stack to be successful.
For example, a device that a project manager inspecting a construction site
could take with them and use to record the results of a site inspection
could be very intersting. I'm not sure that the nano-note is the right
form-factor for that, but something similar might work.
My day job involves creating software for visual collaboration used across a
wide range of industries - if you want to chat more about that, send me an
email off list...
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:47 AM, steven mosher <moshersteven at>wrote:
> A while back Wolfgang mentioned that he and I were starting a new venture.Drop
> by and say hello.
> Steve
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Warren Baird - Photographer and Digital Artist
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