New Open Hardware company
steven mosher
moshersteven at
Mon Jul 20 23:03:25 CEST 2009
Thanks Werner,
Your project is a great inspiration for us. A lot of people just want to
walk away from the dream of a truly open phone or just mouth platitudes
about turning things over to the community. You actually
picked up the ball and got in the game. Your project is on the blog roll and
I'll blog about it
in the near future.. or invite you to blog
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Werner Almesberger <werner at>wrote:
> steven mosher wrote:
> > A while back Wolfgang mentioned that he and I were starting a new
> venture.Drop
> > by and say hello.
> And so it has begun ... congratulations and good luck !
> May the source be with you :-)
> - Werner
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