[CU] Draft conforming to OM Wiki editing guidelines
Patryk Benderz
Patryk.Benderz at esp.pl
Tue Jul 21 17:00:49 CEST 2009
> It' all perfect, only one point: applications with no screenshot is a
> bit disturbing, the logo may be substituted with a smaller pic or
> simple a text "screenshot not available".
You are right. I was doing this layout last evening, and had a little
time to find something which would fit better. I was looking for
pictures here:
but there are tons of files, thus was hard to dig through those. Maybe
some of you guys know of existing default image that would fit to put
in, when there is no default application screen shot?
> Another good idea is to create a draft example page to copy when the
> new CU draft has to be created again.
That is easy part. Deleting all this data from draft and leaving only
default examples would do the trick. I have filled in some data to show
how finished CU would look like.
> According to me it's no too late for adopting it immediately, If you
> synced all news from the actual draft page to the new, feel free to
> swap the two page, if unsure we may just contact Risto too, as it
> started the CU when OM dropped it, just to have another "+1" (I'm sure
> he will agree), wath do you think about?
I agree. Looks like he follows this mailing list, so I will await for
his comment.
> And last, this time please release *you* the next CU, it's important
> your effert will get gratifications :)
As i enlightened here:
It is not important who releases CU, but HOW does he do it. Use 'move'
link and all contributions history will be saved ;). I have tested this:
1. made test page
2. edited it several times
3. moved it to another name
4. ...and viola, all history was at it's place. ;)
Kind Regards
Patryk Benderz
IT Specialist
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