New Open Hardware company
Wolfgang Spraul
wolfgang at
Wed Jul 22 01:14:35 CEST 2009
excellent link to wildcat, thanks!
Free mechanical tools are the weakest part (aside from free IC design tools),
so this may take a while until it becomes a real production option but it's
definitely on the radar.
I will follow up on wildcat in a little bit.
Best Regards,
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 05:44:06PM +0200, Laszlo KREKACS wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Wolfgang
> Spraul<wolfgang at> wrote:
> > For mechanical design, it's even harder. Werner thinks HeeksCAD is the best
> > candidate, so Qi is looking into that now. Our mechanical engineer Tully
> > (ex-OM as well) has found some serious problems with HeeksCAD already, that
> > he says prohibit him from doing effective work to prepare for plastic
> > injection. Oh well...
> > So on the mechanical tool, same thing, we want something free, and we will
> > follow Werner's leadership or ask him for advice if we are ahead of gta02-core
> > in some area.
> I tried out HeeksCAD too. For me the showstopper is the complete lack of
> true boolean operation. It simply "group" the objects together, but dont really
> union them (in mathematical correct way).
> The best candidate (the most serious open source software) would be
> wildcat:
> However its author stopped working on it (unknown reason) from this
> january.
> If I were Qi Hardware I would seriously consider to donate to this project
> or even hire the developer (wildcat cad). Opensource 3D cad tool needs
> a kick to get starting.
> HeeksCAD is a "simple" frontend to (I dont want to
> be negative here.)
> I definietly propose you to get touch with the wildcat developer.
> What is his plan (he is a phd student?), how you could help him to
> continue the development, and finish the basic showstopper features.
> Please consider to get contact with him.
> I do hope the best for you. The longer you stay in business the more
> improvements gets the free software engineering tools (cad, kicad, etc),
> what is a wonderful thing.
> Best regards,
> Laszlo
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