PISI 0.3 released
bitkeeper at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 08:49:24 CEST 2009
I get this error on shr-u
pisi googleCalendar pimlicodates
Traceback (most recent call
last):....................................................] Starting
File "/bin/pisi", line 156, in <module>
File "/opt/pisi/pisicli.py", line 215, in startCLI
source = pisi.importModules(configfolder, config, modulesToLoad,
modulesNamesCombined, soft)
File "/opt/pisi/pisi.py", line 82, in importModules
exec "source.append(
module"+i.__str__()+".SynchronizationModule(modulesNamesCombined, config,
modulesToLoad[i], modulesFolder+modulesToLoad[i]+'/', True, soft) )"
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/opt/pisi/modules/calendar_google.py", line 51, in __init__
self._login( user, password )
File "/opt/pisi/modules/calendar_google.py", line 239, in _login
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gdata/service.py", line 753, in
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/atom/http.py", line 93, in request
connection = self._prepare_connection(url, all_headers)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/atom/http.py", line 234, in
return HttpClient._prepare_connection(self, url, headers)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/atom/http.py", line 157, in
return httplib.HTTPSConnection(url.host)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPSConnection'
Something to do with python ssl support?
# python --version
Python 2.6.2
2009/7/20 Petr Vanek <vanous at penguin.cz>
> >could someone help me with setting this up? i've got a new conf file,
> >with the necessary items in, so now pimlico dates appears in the
> >calendar list
> >
> >my conf file contains this:
> >[googleCalendar]
> >description=My Google Calendar
> >module=calendar_google
> >user=robin.paulson at gmail.com
> >password=<my password>
> >calendarid=robin.paulson at gmail.com
> >
> >[pimlicodates]
> >description= Pimlico Dates
> >module=calendar_ics
> >path=/home/root/.evolution/calendar/local/system/calendar.ics
> >
> >when i select the corresponding items in the pisi gui, and hit start,
> >it reports 'Configuring (0%)', but does nothing
> >
> >i'm guessing i've stuffed up the config for gcalendar, but can't see
> >where
> on shr-u, make sure you have pisi and dates installed. you have to run
> dates at least once for the storage file to exist.
> relevant section of my ./pisi/conf:
> [googleCalendar]
> description=My Google Calendar
> module=calendar_google
> user=petrnek at gmail.com
> password=******************
> calendarid=petrnek at gmail.com
> [pimlicodates]
> description= Pimlico Dates
> module=calendar_ics
> path=/home/root/.evolution/calendar/local/system/calendar.ics
> This is it. Btw the calendar sync in pisi doesn't have conflict mode
> settings so if you reinstall your distro (like i did now) and your
> appointments are in google only, they will get erased...fortunately
> there is a backup in the .pisi dir :)
> good luck
> Petr
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