New Open Hardware company
jptmoore at
Fri Jul 24 11:27:18 CEST 2009
Actually one of the things I would like to do with a NanoNote is turn
it into a dedicated Twitter client! I think opinion will always be
divided on form factor. I have owned many devices from the Psion
Series II through to the iPhone but I still like Zaurus clamshell
designs. I also like the idea of a tiny Linux computer in my pocket or
even on a key chain. I don't see the progression as trying to compete
with the iPhone but to look at new areas such as hackable wearable
computing. Thus I am interested in seeing things get smaller and
cheaper and more hackable and not getting more shiny!
2009/7/24 Christoph Pulster <openmoko at>:
> Psion Plc. invent the clamshell and set the top-level of usable keyboard
> verses form-factor with Series 3 twenty years ago.
> We are in the SMS/twitter age now. Some vitual keyboard with multi-touch
> usability is sufficient. People who want to write full sentences buy a
> pencil with white paper.
> In general, what advantage does the NanoNote have to an Iphone with
> Linux installed ?
> Christoph
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