[TI Calypso] I know it's NDA'ed but ...
Patryk Benderz
Patryk.Benderz at esp.pl
Fri Jul 24 15:44:16 CEST 2009
Dnia 2009-07-24, pią o godzinie 11:03 +0200, Nekron pisze:
> I wonder what will happen to the TI Calypso stuff inside the Freerunner?
> Now that OM stopped business who will take care of the GSM modem part and
Subscribe to gta02-core at lists.openmoko.org There is a lot of talk about
this issues there these days.
> Please don't let the calypso stuff be a dead end for us! Opening this part
> of the device would make the Freerunner even more interesting for
> developers since it would be (except the glamo *****) a truely open phone
> by then.
I follow gta02-core list just for few days but it looks like calypso is
going to be dropped in favour of another solution.
Kind Regards
Patryk Benderz
IT Specialist
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