New Open Hardware company
steven mosher
moshersteven at
Fri Jul 24 20:25:46 CEST 2009
As I've said before people do a dis service to values of openess by these
point comparisons
between iPhone and everything else. But if that comparison must be made
let the first bullet point be this: Open versus Closed. That said if the
goal is to create
an iPhone clone with Linux on board then I see these paths:
1. Convince Apple that Copyleft is the way to go for hardware and
software. Good chance
there. NANNY APPLE won't even let you put adult content on your
phone. I spent the day
two days ago with a really cool company that signed all apple
agreements, developed some
VERY COOL hardware to attach to the phone and Apple shut them down
COLD.. after
they originally told the company that they could develop the
hardware. Why? the hardware
would fuck with apple's roadmap. thank you Nanny Apple.
2. Build a Copyleft version of the Iphone from scratch. pass me
400Million and I'll get right
on it! But you can't just build the iPhone, you have to build what
apple will ship 18 months
from now to be competitive.
3. Do an Anti vendor port. I support mickey 100% in his anti vendor
ports. This is one way
to get open software on closed platforms. HOWEVER, by the time the
port is done
the hardware is obsolete ( by iPhone standards) and more importantly,
the hardware
hackers are left out. That said I think Mickey's approach is one that
people should support
with their time and effort. It will bear fruit over time.
4. Take an existing design ( like NanoNote) and over time add capability
to it. Start small
and simple. Open the design from the start. Allow the hardware
community to mod
the hardware ( and copy back design improvements) and give the
software community
a stable but evolving platform to develop on.
So. #1. I didn't want to waste my time trying to talk apple into destroying
their business.
#2. I didnt have 400 Million dollars.
#3. Mickey is going down his path. That's one front in the war. Put
your efforts behind him.
#4. I can start down the long long path of planting a seed and
helping it grow.
The beginning of that Journey ( #4) happens to be a cool little linux in my
pocket. We've been
contacted by people who want to turn it into a "twitter client" or jabber
client. Will we do that?
I'm not sure. But since the hardware will be copyleft, if SOMEBODY wants to
take the design
and optimize it for SMS or email, then 1.) the community will have another
device with Linux
on it. 2) they won't be able to charge outrageous prices. 3 They'll have to
copy back the design
improvements. When they copy back designs then one can hope for network
effects and the
long journey gets some momentum.
Many are missing the importance and the critical difference that Copyleft
hardware brings.
If you don't like the fact that nanonote doesnt have a touch screen then,
take the design files
add a touch screen, copy back the design. If you have money, then get that
design built and
sell it. Qi-hardware won't complain. Why? because the community will have
more choice about
what to buy. If somebody, for example, really really thinks that clamshell
sucks, then there is
a ready solution. take our design, modify and improve it, copy back the
improvements, build
the thing and let the market decide.
In short, I think the only effective way I have of competing on the hardware
side is by
applying the principles of Copyleft.
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:27 AM, john <jptmoore at> wrote:
> Actually one of the things I would like to do with a NanoNote is turn
> it into a dedicated Twitter client! I think opinion will always be
> divided on form factor. I have owned many devices from the Psion
> Series II through to the iPhone but I still like Zaurus clamshell
> designs. I also like the idea of a tiny Linux computer in my pocket or
> even on a key chain. I don't see the progression as trying to compete
> with the iPhone but to look at new areas such as hackable wearable
> computing. Thus I am interested in seeing things get smaller and
> cheaper and more hackable and not getting more shiny!
> John.
> 2009/7/24 Christoph Pulster <openmoko at>:
> [snip]
> >
> > Psion Plc. invent the clamshell and set the top-level of usable keyboard
> > verses form-factor with Series 3 twenty years ago.
> > We are in the SMS/twitter age now. Some vitual keyboard with multi-touch
> > usability is sufficient. People who want to write full sentences buy a
> > pencil with white paper.
> >
> >
> > In general, what advantage does the NanoNote have to an Iphone with
> > Linux installed ?
> >
> >
> > Christoph
> >
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