om2009/paroli status
Patryk Benderz
Patryk.Benderz at
Mon Jul 27 14:00:19 CEST 2009
Dnia 2009-07-27, pon o godzinie 13:01 +0200, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:41, Patryk Benderz<Patryk.Benderz at> wrote:
> > [cut]
> >> You should "feel" the air.
> >> As in the past testing was only a snapshot and AFAIK I never saw a
> > [...]
> >> guess why their software crashes on latest shr, rebuild and upload
> >> again on and so on).
> > Well, Sebastian, i have to say Nicola has a point here. I agree.
> > [cut]
> No, I don't agree. It's natural than packages builded on your own will
> be outdated some time in future. That's why I think is bad
> idea as "www repo" (it should be rather app overview).
Read again what Nicola wrote:
*"I never saw a backport to testing..." I neither saw, did you?
*"actually shr use...FR in a modern way out of the box"
again agree and I think you agree too :)
*"please provide a really supported testing *branch* and not a snapshot"
Do you think SHR devs shouldn't provide genuine testing branch?
These are the points i agree with. Probably you just looked at the last
sentence, cause i have cited whole paragraph?
Kind Regards
Patryk Benderz
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