FSO core team founds BGB company
Steven Le Roux
steven at le-roux.info
Wed Jul 29 18:08:18 CEST 2009
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Michael 'Mickey'
Lauer<mickey at vanille-media.de> wrote:
> Braunschweig, Germany, 2009-07-29. For immediate release.
> The freesmartphone.org core-team founds a BGB company to facilitate
> the further development of free and open source middleware for
> Linux-based mobile systems: "Lauer, Lübbe, Schmidt, Willmann,
> freesmartphone.org GbR".
> The core-team members of the freesmartphone.org project today announced
> the founding of a legal entity offering consulting, training, and
> implementation services around the freesmartphone.org middleware
> platform, also known as FSO[1].
> "We now have a single point of contact for both commercial and
> non-commercial parties who want to use our services to create compelling
> solutions. This is of interest for groups or individuals creating new
> devices or freeing existing devices ("anti-vendor-ports") and who
> decided to incorporate the FSO middleware", says Dr. Michael Lauer,
> founder of the FSO project. "If you care about the further development
> of this platform or if you need guidance for tailoring or customizing
> the FSO middleware, contact us via E-Mail at
> coreteam at freesmartphone.org".
> With todays' smartphones evolving into ubiquituous companions, a gap has
> emerged between widely used FOSS components like the Linux kernel and
> core system libraries on one side, and end-user applications on the
> other side. The lack of a complete free mobile software stack hinders
> innovation and leads to reinventing proprietary solutions for services
> middleware.
> FSO's mission is to close this gap by designing and developing solid
> middleware for mobile systems in an open fashion; this refers to not
> only publishing source code under open source licenses, but also to
> sharing the whole design and development process with the community and
> giving both commercial and non-commercial entities a way to co-drive and
> steer the process.
> Built on top of the Linux kernel, FSO implements high level services for
> mobile application development, accessible via the DBus interprocess
> communication standard. Leveraging the FSO APIs allows the developer to
> concentrate on solving application domain problems, such as business
> logic and presentation of data, without having to worry about the device
> specifics and low level details, such as how to access resources,
> telephony, location awareness, data storage, etc.
> About freesmartphone.org:
> Previously funded by Openmoko Inc, freesmartphone.org is a collaboration
> platform for open source and open discussion software projects working
> on interoperability and shared technology for Linux-based smartphones.
> freesmartphone.org operates on the services layer (middleware) and
> offers APIs and reference implementations that support modern
> interconnected mobile devices. To provide reference solutions,
> freesmartphone.org works closely together with various device-specific
> communities such as the Openmoko, OpenEZX, and HTC-Linux groups. The FSO
> team honours and bases on specifications and software created by the
> freedesktop.org community.
> [1] http://www.freesmartphone.org
This is great ! And I hope it will provide more visibility to FSO.
more visibility => more contribs => more testing => more stable =>
best FOSS GSM middleware :)
Since I love OS like om2009/Paroli, and even SHR (all EFL based
development actually) , I would love to see FSO to be rock solid to
help people to concentrate on Apps and tweaks :)
Steven Le Roux
Jabber-ID : Steven at jabber.fr
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