a new keyboard - discuss and critique

Yorick Moko yorickmoko at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 13:53:46 CEST 2009

i'm still undecided...
although i agree it is far more annoying to hit the wrong key instead of no key

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Joseph Reeves <iknowjoseph at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is lots of space wasted. Why hasn't he put the key lines together
>> inverted to each other?
> I think the fact that it's not like you describe the whole idea of the design ;)
> Go to the page on El Reg and try and type your name by pushing your
> monitor. It's stupid, yes, but it gives you an idea of how it would
> work. It seems, without any feedback, to be very nice. The fact that
> all the triangles are orientated the same way means you get a huge
> area of triangular free space around each key, that lets you mash at
> them without accidentally hitting another.
> I don't think it's about training your hands as others have said, it's
> about providing a key with a lot of free space around it - effectively
> you've made the key bigger (because you can hit any are around it and
> "sort of" hit the right one without mis-hitting another) whilst
> keeping the overall size very small.
> Its genius is its simplicity.
> Joseph
> 2009/6/3 neovento at freerunner <spaaam at ymail.com>:
>> There is lots of space wasted. Why hasn't he put the key lines together
>> inverted to each other?
>> Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Robin Paulson <robin.paulson at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> apparently, triangular buttons produce less errors.
>>>> http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/06/02/crocodile_keyboard/
>>>> i'm not totally convinced, but it would be worth a go, i think
>>>> now, is it possible to coerce raster's keyboard into using anything
>>>> other than square keys?
>>> Looks interesting!
>>> r
>>> --
>>> | risto h. kurppa
>>> | risto at kurppa dot fi
>>> | http://risto.kurppa.fi
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