a new keyboard - discuss and critique

Steve Mosher steve at openmoko.com
Wed Jun 3 20:08:51 CEST 2009

before you test you need a good theory. that way you know what data to 
collect. raster has a theory why it wont be better. That's a testable 
theory, I think.

Michal Brzozowski wrote:
> 2009/6/3 Carsten Haitzler <raster at rasterman.com>
>> but u'll hit dead space (nothing) about 50% more often than the actual key
>> you
>> intended to hit now (as 50% of the area it would have normally used is now
>> dead
>> space). for a physical kbd it might help as u have better tactile feel as u
>> have
>> more edge near the finger, but for a touchscreen - all you do is lose 50%
>> of he
>> area you had before for hitting keys. (admittedly  for mis-types now where
>> you
>> would have hit another key there is less area to hit too).
>> so you lose more keypresses (you lost 50% of the hit area), but you lost
>> mis-hit
>> area too.
>> one way or another - you press, then quickly press next key, but then
>> notice
>> that the previous key wasn't hit - u still need to backspace and re-enter
>> again
>> (possibly missing again). you just give up 1 kind of error for another kind
> I'm amazed how much you guys can theorize about the idea before actually
> trying it.
> Is it because of allergy to patents? I bet we could use the general idea if
> we wanted to, without violating the patent. Just change the shape of the
> keys or something.
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