MP3 patents (was: Freerunner's Future)

Yorick Moko yorickmoko at
Fri Jun 5 21:18:37 CEST 2009

But although I didn't do any actual testing myself, I read that
conversion mp3-->ogg sometimes doesn't sound good


On 6/5/09, Pieter Colpaert <freepage at> wrote:
> I think it's a bad idea in general to discuss the topic. MP3's are non
> free and should not be used by any openmoko-user. As myself I don't got
> any mp3 on my computer, I only use ogg. The only disadvantage of ogg is:
> you won't be able to share it with lots of friends, due they probably
> use mp3. But as a matter of fact, sharing mp3's with friends is not
> concidered very legal. So... There is no problem not using any mp3's on
> the openmoko. The solution for people wanting to use openmoko as there
> music device:
> let's create a "music uploader" for OM2009 & SHR (on your pc: so should
> have a version for linux as well as for mac and wyndaws):
> The main screen should give us a selector list of all songs on your pc,
> no matter if they're mp3/ogg/wav/etc when uploaded (through scp, that's
> easy I guess) they get automatically converted to ogg, which is a quite
> good standard to use on the openmoko. So no problems selling openmoko
> anymore huh?
> Pieter
> On Fri, 2009-06-05 at 15:16 +0200, David Reyes Samblas Martinez wrote:
>> pattens as are now a days is a real PITA, no matter if you don't have
>> the libraries installed in the device,if you are cached by those
>> pirate... sorry pattens agencies in customs they just have to say to
>> the court the device is suitable to play mp3 and you don't have
>> license, and your parcel will be retained for months/years, no matter
>> the court final decision, you as reseller are fucked because you have
>> payed for a material you cannot touch. So orl you arrive an agreement
>> with the agency (+money,-less time) or wait for the lottery of the
>> court and cross your fingers to have a judge a little bit more techy
>> than the average, because if not, your parcel will be returned by
>> default, and if the judge has a bad day you surely will pay a penalty.
>> Once was said OM was in sue trying to resolve this but I have no more
>> info on that for a long time.
>> 2009/6/5 Al Johnson <openmoko at>:
>> > On Friday 05 June 2009, Christoph Pulster wrote:
>> >> > It's more than welcome to see Openmoko Inc. is still very much in
>> >> > support of the Freerunner/GTA02 and will provide the community with
>> >> > support in areas like the hosting infrastructure as well as the legal
>> >> > side (trademarks).
>> >>
>> >> Please remember the patent infridgements concerning MP3
>> >> (
>> >> Openmoko Inc. did not solve this issue until today.
>> >> As a result, all sales inside EU are patent infridgments, all reseller
>> >> inside EU community have to live with the fact, that local customs
>> >> seize
>> >> their Freerunner order anytime.
>> >
>> > Openmoko removed the mp3 codecs from the images they supply, and from
>> > their
>> > repositories, causing frustration for many. I don't know what image they
>> > now
>> > ship with, but would be surprised if they haven't removed the mp3 codecs
>> > from
>> > that too. If it doesn't contain the codec it can't infringe the patent.
>> > What
>> > more do you expect them to do?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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