intone a2dp (bluetooth) support

William Kenworthy billk at
Thu Jun 11 08:06:25 CEST 2009

Just another data point - if your using streaming audio across wifi (I
am using mplayer streaming from my ISP's radio offerings), a2dp can
suffer badly if using "wmiconfig -i eth0 --power maxperf" - it seriously
interferes with bluetooth


On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 15:55 +0100, Michael Sheldon wrote:
> Yorick Moko wrote:
> > One thing I don't understand:
> > intone with a2dp: mplayer usage around 40% and sometimes spikes to
> > everything available (80-85%) ==> no fluent playback
> > intone without a2dp: 12% cpu ==> fluent playback
> > 
> > how come?
>  Well the a2dp stuff seems to be fairly cpu intensive, presumably
> because it's having to performing sbc encoding before sending the audio
> to the device (most devices support direct streaming of mp3 data but I
> don't think this is possible with mplayer, it is with gstreamer though).
> You should still be able to get reasonable mp3 playback, you won't get
> acceptable ogg playback though, as the combination of a2dp and ogg
> decoding appears to be too much for the cpu to handle.
>  If you're getting very choppy playback with mp3s and you're using
> bluez4 then try running "hciconfig hci0 lm master; hciconfig hci0 lp
> hold,sniff,park" after starting the bluetooth daemon.
> Cheers,
>  Mike.
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Home in Perth!

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