[SHR] create opkg-packages

neomilium neomilium neomilium at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 09:29:21 CEST 2009


2009/5/27 Vinzenz Hersche <hersche at puzzle.ch>:
> hello there,
> i want to create a opkg-package, but i didn't found ipkg-utils on shr, also
> not on ubuntu.
If you want to provide a package for SHR, it should be better to build
it using the SHR's build system (which is OpenEmbedded build system).
There is a draft about creating package for SHR here :
It is a little bit more difficult than building a simple .ipk using
ipkg-utils but it handle dependencies and should be easily integrated
to official image SHR.

Hope it helps.


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