Microphone busted after buzz-fix

Michele Renda michele.renda at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 09:43:27 CEST 2009

Tomas Riveros Schober ha scritto:
> Hello List,
> I have 2 freerunners and both were A5's. I have a friend that is 
> experienced soldering and doing reworks and he performed the buzz-fix on 
> both freerunners. However, one of those seems to have the microphone not 
>   working anymore. The other Neo was fixed correctly (despite having 
> different resistors or whatever, the interference was reduced a lot).
Hello, yesterday, in a Buzz fix party in Milan, it happen something very
similar to this.
One Freerunner was fixed, but the mic was busted.

Luckily it was a test unit used for test by Eshopen.

Another point is that the fix was tried with a traditional solder, not
with a microscope soldier, so we think that this was the cause.

I suggest who want to try the fix to take a lot of care, and to search
for an specialist center. Thank again to Eshopen for its help to help us
in fixing our Openmoko.

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