Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

David Ford david at blue-labs.org
Tue Jun 23 04:05:11 CEST 2009

that's all quite true.  however, allow me to make just one point.

this phone is marketed as a developer's phone, and all the websites 
related to this phone all have (or should have) discussion largely 
surrounding this.


On 06/22/09 21:51, Joerg Lippmann wrote:
> [...]
> let me cite another mail (from Vasco Nevoa):
> "Yes, it needs A LOT of attention and tweaking for about 3 months until
> you get it "just right" for yourself, but after that it's "good enough"
> as a phone and GPS, and a pretty good PDA."
> See my point?
> Best wishes!
>rg at home

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