PISI 0.3 released

Michael Pilgermann kichkasch at gmx.de
Tue Jun 23 22:48:54 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Just a quick response for now: there is no real-time on Google. You need
to "reload" manually after synchronisation. Thx for all the input ...

Petr Vanek wrote:
> Michael,
> i set sim limit to 250, her is the console output:
> http://www.pastebin.cz/20328
> calendar was now able to go both ways, but for some reason it doesn't
> seem to react in real time (is there a lag on google's side, or
> dates do not show some events?), it also erased one event created on
> google that should go into fr... several trials on both sides, i will
> document them better if needed :)
> here is the calendar output:
> http://www.pastebin.cz/20330
> Petr
> On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 20:52:30 +0200
> Michael Pilgermann <kichkasch at gmx.de> (MP) wrote:
>> Petr,
>> thx for the feedback!
>> Indeed, Paroli integration is the next feature I am aiming for ...
>> For the error you were talking about: Could you please start the app
>>from a shell (pisigui) and give some more details about the error from
>> the console output? This would help a bit on narrowing down the
>> problem ... thx in advance, greetings
>> Mike
>> PS: 100 entries is the limit of SIM cards (well, at least of mine - in
>> order to avoid a crash of the application, I put a limit on the
>> configuration - you can change this in the configuration file
>> /home/root/.pisi/conf)
>> Petr Vanek wrote:
>>>> We just released PISI 0.3.
>>>> Contacts synchronization was extended by SIM (via DBUS) support -
>>>> making it available to SHR users. Python 2.6 is supported as well
>>>> (including all dependency packages).
>>>> Contacts Synchronization currently supports
>>>> - SIM Card via DBUS (e.g. SHR)
>>>> - QTopia SQLite (e.g. OM 2008.12)
>>>> - LDAP (read only)
>>>> - VCF files (local and webdav), and
>>>> - Google Contacts
>>>> Calendar synchronization supports
>>>> - Google Calendar, and
>>>> - ICalendar files (local and webdav)
>>>> Get your copy here:
>>>> http://www.opkg.org/package_191.html
>>> hey, great! thank you for all the work. sync is what is really needed
>>> and some people will need even more to upgrade to Paroli (when paroli
>>> support is added to pisi).
>>> I tried:
>>> - contact sync shr_sim-google: (seem to be quite slow due to the
>>>   dbus-sim slow access?) but worked. seemed to complain about 100
>>>   contacts/sim limit but i have to test it more. Also, seems to sync
>>>   only one way to google.
>>> - calendar sync: Pimlico->Google: seems to sync nicely one way -
>>>   pimlico to google but not the other way.
>>> Petr
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> --
> Petr Vaněk
> http://biodynamika.cz

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