Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

David Ford david at blue-labs.org
Wed Jun 24 20:08:31 CEST 2009

do you understand the weight involved with using c++?  without very very 
careful management, c++ is rather hefty for embedded devices.  granted, 
having 128M to work in is indeed far more tenable than smaller devices 
but it's still onerous.

C is much more lightweight and very functional.  any benefits of c++ 
usually don't overcome the drawbacks for embedded devices.


On 06/24/09 07:09, mobi phil wrote:
> Hey!! Is this kind of phrase "i am not interested in c++. " driving 
> the linux phone development? I can never understand how is it possible 
> to have such a huge gap on the scale between C programmers and C++ 
> programmers? Why are C++ programmers dying out? Is it because some C 
> programmers never managed to get the point with C++ and those who did, 
> switched automatically to Java? I propose a C wrapper arround Qt, for 
> the C programmers, and everybody will still benefit, beleive me. QT is 
> a treasure, is a nice clean code! And it is fast!

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