Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

Michal Brzozowski rusolis at poczta.fm
Thu Jun 25 15:45:58 CEST 2009

2009/6/25 mobi phil <mobi at mobiphil.com>

> How long do you think people will carry arround the freerunner in their
> pockets, when next year the same time you will be able to buy a "crap" :)
> nvidia tegra based device with 500MB memory for 200$ ?
> Plan for the future, not for the past :)

Nvidia writes software for nvidia tegra, and I'm writing software for
Freerunner. And I don't see another Freerunner coming next year with double
the memory.

And I hope that the FSO team doesn't follow your reasoning, otherwise the
next stable release would be for GTA03.
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