Community Updates: June 25 2009 released!

Risto H. Kurppa risto at
Fri Jun 26 11:02:05 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Nicola Mfb<nicola.mfb at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:27 AM, Risto H. Kurppa<risto at> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Great, thanks for releasin!
>> Could you finish the job, see
>> (-> create a new draft etc)
> Hi Risto, I did not it as I have some doubt about the date for the
> next release, as this is only volunteer based, it may be that 2 weeks
> is a short period.
> What's about a monthly update?
> p.s. thanks to brenda to restore the news link.

I'd suggest we try every 2nd week and if there's not enough to publish
(hmm.. if there's something, it's worth publishing, I think..) we
extend it..

Once/month gives the user 'old news', things here happen faster: some
app can release 2-3 versions in a month.


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

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