Anyone know a store that sells FreeRunner accs in the US

Laszlo KREKACS laszlo.krekacs.list at
Sat Jun 27 09:40:07 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Marcel<tanuva at> wrote:
> You can get the (?) directly from their site, google
> will help you. The leather case probably needs to be imported from Europe,
> but I'm not sure there.

I think a screen protector is enough. I have invisible shield, but
dont really like
it. In plus I managed to put on the screen with some whitish microscopic air
bubble. (you can not feel it, it looks only visually bad).
The warranty does not cover the bad mounting.
And the warranty means, I need to send the (used) invisible shield to
USA, and they
will send me back a new one. Just it costs more, than buying a new one;-\

The leather case on the other hand is really nice. It was designed to
the neo, so
it fits nicely and looks nicely. Only the metal clip is deformed on mine...
I keep using it (even if I cant put it safely on my belt), because it
saved my neo
multiple times (falling against the floor, the concrete floor, on the
street, etc).

If they were release a magnetic metal clip design, I would buy a new one;)
(so when the metal clip wants to deform, it simply let the phone fall
off (I could
use a string to not fall more then 10-20cm))

Anyway. I strongly suggest you the leather case, but the full body
protector isnt
necessary in my view. Select a screen protector, and thats it (I
really hope, there
are better screen protectors out there).

And buy a screen protector large enough to be able to try it more then once.


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