[debian] doom accel/touch not working right?
Fox Mulder
Quakeman1 at gmx.net
Mon Jun 29 17:15:59 CEST 2009
SCarlson wrote:
> Hello Everyone --
> I've been meaning to make some improvements. I would be happy to make some
> corrections.
> I should have my Freerunner back from the buzz fix soon, I have not been
> using my neo lately.
> What should be the first target platform?
> Can someone give me the kernel/root images that I should test against?
My earlier tests were with debian but at the moment i tested it with
latest (20090624) shr unstable from [1] and the behaviour is the same as
my last postings. I used your doom port from [2].
Here are my problems so far:
1. Touchscreen input isn't working right in doom when in landscape mode
with vga (640x480) or qvga (320x240). In qvga the ts input is broken for
xglamo (wrong placement) so i tried it with vga where doom is displayed
in the middle of the screen with a quarter of the display. The ts input
is located at the right positions (i verified it) but in doom i can't
find any reproduceable key inputs.
Paul Fertser said in a mail regarding this thread that qvga and ts input
should be working with the new xorg driver. I assume he was reffering to
the new xglamo xorg driver but i can't find an useable package in any
repository or a manual how to install/use it. So i don't use qvga for
the monent.
2. Accelerometer input isn't working at all in doom but does work in
other games like acceleroids or mokomaze. When i change the variable in
the conf to use accel input nothing happens. Maybe this has to do
something with the change of the accelerometer output format from
relativ to absolut values (hint also from Paul Fertser).
3. Sound isn't working wth shr-u but this could be a problem on my side
because with debian it worked some time ago. But now i can't find the
right settings or any info related to the right sound settings for the
freerunner. Maybe you could tell us the right entry for the "sound_card"
and "music_card" entries in the opendoom.cfg. Default is -1 but i think
this disables the sound output. It would also be good to know what sound
output is used (alsa, oss, etc). While starting doom it shows one error
message regarding sound [3].
After so much bad infos i want to say that i really love your doom port
even if it isn't working right at the moment. Already seeing the
demo video at the start screen makes me think of the good old times. :)
[3]"I_InitSound: couldn't open audio with desired format"
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