[omgps] collect feature requests

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 12:00:31 CEST 2009

I like osm2go, but here are the things wich prevent me to use it :
* not easy installation. If you encounter an error, you must create manually
the ~/.osm2go folder
* needs to set a project (not easy from the openmoko) to download the osm
vector format
* you must set many projects if you want to map in many places, because the
projects must contains very small areas not to be veeeery slow (best if a
rectangle of 5 km * 5km ). It is a shame you cannot start "from scratch"
* optimized for maemo screen, so not very usable with finger

But, it remains a great app, and you can try it on you debian or ubuntu :
And have a look of the wiki page

As a conclusion, I would say I cannot use it on my openmoko which is very
frustrating since it has many great features.
This is why I think "we" must create a dedicated openmoko software for easy
editing :
* png tiles
* big "add poi" buttons with preconfigured osm tags (as osm2go does well)
* deconnected mode : import osm data / upload changes BUT without displaying
the vector data, OR only a small bit of data (new layer) chosen by the user.
Diplaying vectors make osm2go slow on the freerunner, but we need the data
to be able to commit changes

I hope I do not monopolize the subject :D

2009/6/30 David Garabana Barro <david at garabana.com>

> On Tuesday 30 June 2009 11:37:04 kimaidou wrote:
> > Sorry I have not used Osm tracker, as my only mobile pc is my openmoko. I
> > have just looked at the screen shots.
> > Bu I have used osm2go (which has been ported to openmoko :
> I didn't knew it, thanks for the link
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